Tomorrow Woman and Tomorrow Man acknowledge that our offices are on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nations.
I am a 40-year-old, mother, founder, sister, wife, friend, educated, white privileged woman. Born to a single mother who fought tirelessly for a better life for herself and her children, who raised me to truly believe I could be and do anything. However, despite all this...I felt the constraints of being a woman. I have felt the pressure to live up to the unrealistic and relentless standards.
I have also experienced the darkside of being a woman - I’ve been groped, grabbed, stalked multiple times, and sexually assaulted - by 2 men I knew. I’ve been yelled at and called names. I’ve feared walking alone at night and now, even in the day. I’ve been labelled a slut, dramatic, sensitive and ironically too assertive. I’ve been conditioned to believe it is my primary role to care for the children, the house, the food - I constantly feel the weight of the mental load.
My male partners over the years no matter their careers have always earned more than me and have always had more in super. I’ve not spoken up and shared parts of myself all too often out of fear of not getting it right or not being worthy enough to contribute, but this is not unique to me. This is many women’s daily reality. Too often when you share one of these stories with another woman they will tell you theirs.... because we all have them.
My whole life I have been surrounded by incredible women, yet in varying degrees we were all missing out, not speaking up, not living life to the fullest. Whether it was not going for a job because they didn't feel 100% qualified or that they constantly felt less than, not pretty enough, skinny enough - just never enough or our voices were not being heard or believed and it was everywhere I looked.
Six years ago I started Tomorrow Woman because I wanted women to have a voice, to have the tools to speak up, to feel they have agency despite all that we can’t control, challenge unhealthy societal expectations and live unapologetically.
We have a long way to go but I genuinely believe the work we do at Tomorrow Woman is one small step in the bigger picture of creating long lasting change.
- Paige, Tomorrow Woman Cofounder and CEO, Advocate, Feminist, mother
When women trust their voice and dare to speak up, their power expands in all areas of their life. When women listen with curiosity and compassion, they strengthen the support systems they need. When women aren’t limited by what they’re “supposed to be”, they get to author their tomorrow.
Led by master facilitators, Tomorrow Woman runs high-participatory workshops that guide young and adult women to unapologetically raise their voice beyond the limiting expectations placed on them. Our facilitators do this by weaving depth, humour, and vulnerability, to empower each person to share and learn through each other’s personal stories. Every workshop is different. That’s because it’s the participants who guide the conversations, and it’s our facilitators who can reframe and enrich what’s happening on the spot.
Everyone is born with a voice. But most girls are socialised to quieten this voice from fear of being “too much”, or saying the “wrong thing” and looking imperfect. They often apologise for taking up space.This can have a real, rippling impact over their lifetime: loss of identity, low self-worth, self-harm, loneliness, relationship abuse, too few leadership roles. When girls and women lose, society loses too. Our classrooms and boardrooms are yearning for a wider breadth of intelligent and intuitive minds at the table.That’s why Tomorrow Woman exists.
We’re proud to call this bunch of powerful, quirky amazing humans, the Tomorrow Woman team.
Girls Hating Girls: Understanding and Overcoming Internalised Misogyny
March is Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day - a time to reflect, celebrate progress, and continue breaking down barriers. But some of those barriers aren’t just external. Internalised misogyny is one of the sneakiest, most deeply ingrained forces holding women back - often without us even realising it.
Media vs. Reality: Teaching Students to See Through the Perfect Facades
Social media creates impossible standards, but students can learn to see through them. Discover practical strategies to teach media literacy, challenge filters, and empower young women to embrace their real, unfiltered selves.
The Digital World of Teenage Girls: Balancing Risks and Rewards
Explore the digital world’s impact on teenage girls, its opportunities and challenges. Learn how parents and educators can support online safety, student wellbeing, and digital literacy.