Tomorrow Woman and Tomorrow Man acknowledge that our offices are on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nations.
Tomorrow Woman is dedicated to providing you with an enjoyable and safe experience. In order to ensure a safe environment, we ask that you familiarise yourself with our acceptable use policy below.
By participating in our sessions, you accept these terms and agree to follow them.
Programme/Session Conduct
You must show respect to all participants and you cannot be offensive, abusive or bully anyone else.
We have the right to remove participants from the programme or session who do not behave in an appropriate manner.
What is shared by participants as part of the programme, session, or in associated forums, remains completely confidential and is not to be shared in any way.
The programme or session is personal by nature and so you must respect people’s privacy and be mindful when sharing your experience of the programme that you don’t disclose someone else’s experience.
If the facilitator feels that a participant is in danger or distress through what they have shared they will connect with the appropriate staff member to ensure that participant is supported after the session.
Voluntary participation
Whilst the programme or session experience is best when everyone participates, if there is an activity or discussion that makes a participant uncomfortable they can absolutely opt out of that part of the session.
Further conduct for online sessions
Make sure your zoom account name matches your real name.
When you enter a session, you must have your camera turned on.
You must keep your camera on for the duration of the session. If your camera is not working, then you will have to alert the facilitator and get express permission to remain in the session.
Please read our Virtual Etiquette for further details.
No recording
The programme or sessions are personal by their nature and so you must not record a session or online content.
For online programmes and sessions, you must not take a screenshot without the express permission of Tomorrow Woman.
Our facilitators are trained to develop educational content and encourage an enjoyable and open discussion. However, nothing that a member of Tomorrow Woman creates or says should be construed as advice. Tomorrow Woman is also not responsible for any representations made by any participant.
You are responsible for anything you say, display or upload.
Tomorrow Woman will not be liable for your conduct or the conduct of any other participant.
If you are a school, you must ensure that your students have read and agree to these terms.
You agree that your students are authorised to take part in sessions and accept that you are responsible for the conduct of your students during sessions.
Our policies
Please familiarise yourself with our other policies, which can be found on our website. You agree that you have read and understand Tomorrow Man's:
(1) Privacy Policy
Last updated: May 2022